Getting rid of cellulite naturally is all about 2 things. Diet and exercise. If you were hoping for some magical new pill or potion, then you will be disappointed. But, if you really want to know what actually works to get rid of cellulite, then pay close attention to the rest of this article.
You didn't misread the title, there are 3 steps you must take to fully employ the 2 components of diet and exercise if you're serious about getting rid of cellulite naturally. Here they are in order of importance.
1. Diet - A good diet will do 90% of the work for you. But what does a good diet look like? At every meal you should be eating a fist sized serving of lean protein, a fist sized serving of complex carbs and a fist sized serving of fiberous carbs. Keep fattening sauces and gravies to a minimum. Fried foods should be eliminated.
Unfortunately, if you happen to be a junk food junkie, you won't like what I'm about to tell you. A good diet is 90 - 95% free of processed foods. That means chips, soda, candy, white bread, sugar, and any other processed food must be eliminated in order for your diet to be effective. What you eat really does make a huge difference in how successful you are at getting rid of cellulite naturally. That doesn't mean you can never eat your favorite junk foods, it just means that they should be special occasion treats rather than daily or weekly indulgences.
2. Weight lifting - Yes, ladies this means you! Don't be afraid to lift heavy weights. Women don't produce enough testosterone to create the heavy, bulging, muscular look of bodybuilders. Lifting weights is what helps to achieve a tight, sexy, toned body faster than any other form of exercise.
It's just not enough to lose weight by dieting. Dieting alone will make you "skinny fat". Although the scale will say you have lost weight, you will still be soft and flabby. This allows the dimpled fat on your thighs and rear to show, but if you build the muscle underneath, the appearance of cellulite will disappear.
Building up your muscles will not only significantly reduces the appearance of cellulite, it will also help your body burn fat faster and make you look smaller and thinner. Muscle only takes up one third as much space as fat. A pound of muscle burns about 10 calories per hour even when you're doing nothing while a pound of fat only burns 2 calories per hour. That difference can really add up fast!
3. Cardiovascular Exercise - This is where many women mess up in their efforts to get rid of cellulite naturally. They think that a restrictive diet and cardio will help them get rid achieve the shape they desire. Cardio is merely a tool to use up any excess calories. 30 minutes done 3 times per week is really all the aerobic exercise you need. If you're pressed for time and must choose between weight lifting and cardio, always choose weights because that is a more efficient use of your time.
Getting rid of cellulite naturally is simple, but not easy. You now know the three steps you must take, but it's up to you to follow through.
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