Ah yes, lower belly fat is by far one of the most frustrating parts of the body to deal with, as it seems that despite our best efforts, the fat that accumulates there just will not leave! I mean, here you are, with your abdomen screaming with the exertion, your muscles feeling as if they are on fire and you are contending with that spinning sensation in your head. You have just managed to strain yourself further and broke your own record of 500 sit ups and... whats this? Im still fat!? What gives? Why am I not making any progress, and why does my lower belly fat still sit there?
My dear reader, I hope you are sitting down because what I am about to tell you will no doubt come of such a shock, you will most likely faint upon hearing this grand revelation. Are you in a comfortable position and actually mentally prepared to receive the astonishing news that I have for you? Good. Here it is:
Sit ups, abdomen crunches, and any other stomach region exercises are a complete and utter waste of time and energy. You can keep doing them until you feel like you have been sawn in half but sadly, your valiant efforts will be for nothing. Lower belly fat and indeed any form of belly fat is totally impervious to these types of exercises and so doing more of them simply will not provide you with any sort of progress or improvement.
The first and most essential step one could argue in the successful removal of lower belly fat is the need to overcome the commonly held misconception that spot toning (whereby you exercise a specific region of your body) is in someway the only way you can achieve success. Nope.
If ab crunches and all those other exercises are no use then what sort of exercises should I be incorporating into my daily routine? Walking. Swimming. Cycling. What do these three exercises have in common? They are cardio exercises and the great benefit of cardio exercising is that it exercises every single muscle group in the body and furthermore, they also go a very considerable way towards speeding up your metabolism.
Given that your metabolism directly regulates how many calories your body will burn at any given time it is imperative then that you do all that you can to speed it up. This is the best way to remove lower belly fat.
Are you having trouble getting rid of your stubborn stomach fat?
Philip Murphy has helped hundreds of people get rid of their Stomach Fat
Permanently [http://www.lose-stomach-fat.com/index.html] Sign up to
receive his free ebook at the following address
[http://www.Lose-Stomach-Fat.com] to help you achieve this.
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