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Calories To Burn One Pound: How Can I Lose Weight Rapidly? 3 Proven Ways To Turbocharge Your Metabolism So You Lose Weight Quickly.

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how can i lose weight

It takes 3,500 calories to burn one pound of weight from your body.
 In addition to the number of calories you burn in the course of a normal day.
 How can I lose weight rapidly you might ask?
Well metabolism and genetic make-up aside that depends on how badly you want to lose the weight. 
If you were to lose weight at the recommended rate of not more than 1 to 2 pounds a week you would need to burn an extra 500 to 1000 calories a day to reach your target.
It gets easier if you split these calories needed to lose weight between calories burnt through additional activity (i.e. exercise, being more active etc) and those saved by eating better less calorie rich food.
 You never realised losing weight could be so easy, did you?
Start losing weight today with these 3 proven ways to boost your metabolism and lose weight rapidly.
    1. Additional Activity - Exercise your body for 20 to 30 minutes, 3 to 4 times a week. Anything of an aerobic nature such as brisk walking, swimming, jogging or aerobic classes, would be good.
     The sustained nature of these types of exercise increases your heart rate and burns body fat for some time after the exercise has ended.
    2. Eat More Often - Your metabolism burns fat faster on 5 smaller meals taken through the day than it does with larger meals taken less frequently.
     Eating smaller meals more often also allows you to control hunger pangs preventing you from embarking on a binge eating spree.
    3. Spices - Your metabolism can be boosted by anything up to 50% for up to 3 hours after finishing your meal by eating spicy food, especially chillies.
Strategies like this can be put into effect with little effort with the benefits being obvious within a very short space of time.
 Yes, you can lose weight rapidly, but it needs consistent, sustained effort.
These strategies will help you achieve your weight loss goals, although how quickly you achieve them is up to you.
 There are many people who are dissatisfied with what they weigh and how they look.
 You do not have to be one of them!
Did you know that four out of five American women are unhappy with how they look?
On any given day one in four American men and and 50% of American women will be dieting.

read more about Weight Loss

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