This is all very well and works for some.
Most people find that they enjoy cycling once they get into it and take it up as a hobby.
But alas, why won't the weight fall off.
To lose weight, one must consume less calories in a day than one actually needs.
If a person had to cut down on about 500 calories each day, he or she would probably lose about a kilogram a week. If one starts to exercise on a regular basis, naturally one would burn more calories.
The problem comes in because exercise tends to make a person more hungry, and therefore more food is needed to satisfy those hunger pangs.
In the ideal world you would continue to consume the same amount of calories that you did before you started your new exercise regime, and you would then start to see the pounds falling away.
Cycling uses up a lot of calories, so ideally you should be able to lose weight quickly by starting up a cycling regime.
The biggest problem here is that cycling makes you ravenous, causing you to eat more to make up for all the depleted calories.
The good news here is that you will be able to eat more and not put on weight, but in order to lose weight, you are going to have to learn to curb your appetite a bit.
If you do recreational cycling, you will find it harder to lose weight than somebody who is training and pushing themselves to the limit. If you are in a regular training program, you will be more disciplined and will have a goal to work for.
Cyclists who are in training programs aren't usually overweight.
If you are trying to lose weight, try to push yourself when cycling.
Your muscles should burn with the increased work load and you must feel like you are exerting yourself a lot more than usual.
If you put yourself on a good weight management diet, you will not only lose weight, but also feel fitter and stronger.
Once you have reached your goal weight, don't let all your hard work go to waste. You will need to keep eating healthily and keep up a good exercise routine to maintain your weight as well as keep fit and healthy.
read more about how can i lose weight
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