So you want to lose weight in the next week? I am sure that you have a good reason as if you don't have one I don't advice you to go this way.
Losing weight very fast can be dangerous unless you know what you are doing and provided that you don't have a medical condition that prevent you from losing weight this fast.
These tips will help you to lose lose weight Quickly:
Write your goal on a note paper and stick on an area where you can see it most of the day.
This make you don't forget about your goal and what you decided to do in the next week.
Write why you want to lose 5 lbs in the next week, do you want to attend a party or something like that? Write this down to remind you of the great benefit you will get if you lostthose extra calories.
Losing weight fast differs from one another, it depends on your start point, the speed of your metabolism which is a genetic thing and whether you are a man or woman.
Obviously men have bigger muscles and more testosterone to build more when exercising that's why they can burn fat faster than women.
It seems that losing 5 to 6 lbs a week is possible and safe.
Cardio exercises are different from weight training as anyone can do them.
All you have to do is waking up early and run or jog for about 30 minutes every single day, don't skip any day.
This kind of exercises will not only burn calories but it will improve your circulation too and help getting rid of the waste matters in your blood.
Do you eat junk food, drink just drinks and sleep after you have your dinner by about an hour or immediately after it? Come on if you are still doing these things I can say confidently that you are not serious about losing weight in the next week or even in the next month.
These foods and drinks give you bad calories that your body doesn't get any benefit from them and your body will store these calories in the form of fat so you will gain even more weight no matter how much you exercise.
Although weight training is one of the best and fastest exercises that burn fat, I think you are not ready to do weight training in this short period as it takes more time to lose fat with weight lifting but it is more effective.
And pushing yourself with weight training in only one week may harm your muscles very bad. So I recommend you cardio exercises.
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