Healthy diets do not have to be all about vegetables and fruits. Meat and poultry can be part of a healthy diet when used properly .
It is also important to include enough protein in the diet .
Eating too little protein is a problem in many countries, which often have high rates of (PEM) protein- energy malnutrition. Meat and poultry are the biggest contributors of protein to your diet. If meat and poultry items are not in your healthy diet, replacing the proteins they provide will require you to learn more about incomplete , complete and complementary proteins .
Healthy foods are always adding to your body and will never subtract anything away .
Here is a list of healthy foods.
Alternatives # Sauce:
* Mashed vegetables
* Grout
* Sauces
* relish
* Chutneys
* compotes
* Mojos
Many classic sauces that you can use are high in fat . Try using alternative sauces like pureed vegetables . Vegetable sauces are light and low in fat and kcal .
# Nuts and seeds:
* Nuts :
o almonds
o nuts Macademian
o Avelines
o Nuts
o Pinenuts
o Brazil nuts
o Cashews
o pistachios
o pecans
* Seeds:
o Flaxseed
o Sunflower seeds
o sesame seeds
o Pumpkin seeds
Nuts and seeds pack a good amount of vitamins and minerals , more fiber and protein. In particular , nuts contain some fat . Fortunately for those who love to eat nuts , most of the fat is monounsaturated .
The seeds contain less fat and more fiber.
The seeds contain fat and fiber will make you feel full longer .
Nuts have been linked to reducing heart disease .
The monounsaturated fats in nuts help lower cholesterol low-density lipoprotein , the bad kind .
It was previously indicated that the protein is necessary for any plan. However, too much protein do not show any advantage. Eat more protein than you need can add kcal beyond what you need. Extra protein is not stored as protein but is stored as fat if too much is taken in.
kcal protein diets may also be a problem if you eat lots of high-fat animal proteins such as hamburgers and some cheese and vegetable proteins.
Eating too many foods rich in animal fat will raise your blood cholesterol levels
. The cholesterol in the blood increases the higher risk of heart disease .
High animal protein intake is also associated with certain cancers, such as colon cancer and its no secret that too much fat foods increases the chances of gaining weight.
All foods below when consumed too much become unhealthy foods.
# High Fat Cheese :
* Blue Cheese
* Brie
* Feta
* Gouda
* Light Cream Cheese
* Limburg
* Mozzarella , whole milk
* parmesan
* Provolone
* Ricotta , whole milk
* Romano
* Swiss
* Tilsit , whole milk
* Cheddar
* Colby
* Cream Cheese
* Monterey Jack
* Münster
* Roquefort
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